Retail Competition Pilot Program
(DR-95-250, Order No. 22,033) (hereafter "New Hampshire Order")
Retail Competition Pilot Program, Order Establishing Final Guidelines and Requiring Compliance Filing. Feb. 28, 1996;. (DR-95-250, Order No. 22,033) (hereafter "New Hampshire Order").
Order Establishing Final Guidelines and Requiring Compliance Filing
(DOE/EIA-0540(94), 1995)
ELECTRIC SALES AND REVENUE. 1994;24-25. (DOE/EIA-0540(94), 1995).
, pp. 24-25
New Hampshire Order, supra note 1, at Sec. IX. 1 and 6
New Hampshire Order, supra note 1, at Sec. IX. 1 and 6.
New Hampshire Order, supra note 1, at 5
New Hampshire Order, supra note 1, at 5.
The NHPUC insists that selection be made on a random basis. New Hampshire Order, supra note 1, at V. B. 4
The NHPUC insists that selection be made on a random basis. New Hampshire Order, supra note 1, at V. B. 4.
Load profiles used in the U.K. have adjustments for daily temperature, time of sunset, and whether the day is a weekday weekend or holiday. Thus the load research required in this case is a good deal more sophisticated than what is typically done for tariff design in the U.S.
Load profiles used in the U.K. have adjustments for daily temperature, time of sunset, and whether the day is a weekday weekend or holiday. Thus the load research required in this case is a good deal more sophisticated than what is typically done for tariff design in the U.S.
It is not clear whether regulators will allow for mid-program corrections such as the replacement of profiles developed at the start of the pilot with those that have been developed during the course of the experiment. This is an issue that could be addressed at the outset in the negotiations concerning the parameters of the pilot program.
It is not clear whether regulators will allow for mid-program corrections such as the replacement of profiles developed at the start of the pilot with those that have been developed during the course of the experiment. This is an issue that could be addressed at the outset in the negotiations concerning the parameters of the pilot program.
Even in this case, however, these customers will be billed for imbalances at the equivalent of the relevant spot price (see the discussion of settlements below). Providing spot market price information of some kind on a routine basis will be a useful reference for ex post imbalance billing.
Even in this case, however, these customers will be billed for imbalances at the equivalent of the relevant spot price (see the discussion of settlements below). Providing spot market price information of some kind on a routine basis will be a useful reference for ex post imbalance billing.
Settlements for deviations regarding ancillary services are also necessary. We neglect them for the purposes of this discussion, but they are part of the issue raised in the discussion of unbundling.
Settlements for deviations regarding ancillary services are also necessary. We neglect them for the purposes of this discussion, but they are part of the issue raised in the discussion of unbundling.
Details on Cellnet's major installation at Kansas City Power and Light are given in R. Levy and R. Abbott, Implementing Advanced Metering and Communications: Outsourcing to Minimize Risk and Enhance Competitive Positioning (June 1996) (EPRI Research Project WO4885-1, Draft Report).
Details on Cellnet's major installation at Kansas City Power and Light are given in R. Levy and R. Abbott, Implementing Advanced Metering and Communications: Outsourcing to Minimize Risk and Enhance Competitive Positioning (June 1996) (EPRI Research Project WO4885-1, Draft Report).