Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University, 1972
Rauh, R.D.1
Note that the actual excess energy does not simply correspond to [inline formula] (where [inline formula]) (Ref. 19) but rather must include the thermal vibrational energy of the ground state MS. The frequencies of the fifty-one vibrational modes were compiled from various sources (Refs. 25 and 26) and the average vibrational energy as a function of temperature was calculated according to [inline formula] At 38 °C, for example, the average thermal vibrational energy is [inline formula]
The [inline formula] transients show oscillatory behavior due to the probing of molecular vibrations (see Ref. 33 for more details). These oscillations were much less pronounced (pump laser 610 nm) in the present work (at the depletion power used) most likely due to absorption from both turning points. There was no measurable distortion in the transients, especially in the rise, at these powers
Notice that both MS depletion transients were measured in a sequence using the same cell and same pump and probe lasers; the only change was in the position of the monochromator grating (330 vs 440 nm detection). The transients did not show any relative shift, i.e., both MS transients display time zero at exactly the same position. The time zero of the [inline formula] signal could not be compared with that of MS, as it required using a different cell. Therefore, we shifted the [inline formula] transient such that both [inline formula] and MS) coincide, where time zero has been set at half of the rise
edited by S. N. Vinogradov and R. H. Linnell (Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York)
Hydrogen Bonding
edited by P. Schuster (Springer-Verlag, Berlin)
Hydrogen Bonds
Using a normal mode analysis (see p. 72 of Mechanics, 3rd ed., edited by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz (Pergamon Press, Oxford), Vol., for O-H—O antisymmetrical vibration, the frequency is [inline formula] times greater than that of an O-H vibration alone
, vol.1
Note that the absorption spectrum extends to more energies than the excitation spectrum due to nonradiative decay reflected in the latter (see Fig. 3)