COM (94) 314 final, 13 July Brussels
Towards a New Asia Strategy, COM (94) 314 final, 13 July 1994, Brussels.
Towards A New Asia Strategy
Europe did not have an appropriate image in Asia according to a study entitled prepared by Research International Asia Pte. Ltd. in cooperation with the BBC World Service, Singapore, July
Europe did not have an appropriate image in Asia according to a study entitled The Image of Europe and the European Union in South and East Asia, prepared by Research International Asia Pte. Ltd. in cooperation with the BBC World Service, Singapore, July, 1994.
The Image of Europe and The European Union in South and East Asia
Europe risks occupying a marginal position in Asia. Trade and investment relations between Europe and Asia are limited when the relative size and potential of the two markets are taken into account
European Commission, Brussels
'Europe risks occupying a marginal position in Asia. Trade and investment relations between Europe and Asia are limited when the relative size and potential of the two markets are taken into account', Europe Partner of Asia (European Commission, Brussels, 1995), 5.
Europe Partner of Asia
, pp. 5
ASEM must appear as a useful complement to APEC, thus checking a possible tendency to turn back to a more restrictive understanding of regionalism
According to French Institute of International Relations, Paris
According to F. Godement and P. Jacquet, 'ASEM must appear as a useful complement to APEC, thus checking a possible tendency to turn back to a more restrictive understanding of regionalism', Towards the ASEM Meeting: Goals and Means (French Institute of International Relations, Paris 1996).
Towards The ASEM Meeting: Goals and Means
Godement, F.1
Jacquet, P.2
Has Europe failed in Asia?
Europe's leaders know that Asia's growing economic power demands that they take Asia more seriously. Economically, Europe is not doing badly. Politically, it has barely begun 2 March
'Europe's leaders know that Asia's growing economic power demands that they take Asia more seriously. Economically, Europe is not doing badly. Politically, it has barely begun'. 'Has Europe failed in Asia?' The Economist (2 March 1996).
The Economist