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Volumn 65, Issue 4, 1996, Pages 559-581

"See America first": Re-envisioning nation and region through western tourism

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EID: 0002998327     PISSN: 00308684     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.2307/3640296     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (14)

References (189)
  • 4
    • 0004057211 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For an overview of the era, see Nell Irvin Painter, Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919 (New York, 1987). For the emergence of corporate capitalism and its influence on American culture and society, see Robert H. Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920 (New York, 1967) and Alan Trachtenberg, The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society of the Gilded Age (New York, 1982). For the role of the corporation in American society, see Olivier Zunz, Making America Corporate, 1870-1920 (Chicago, 1990).
    • (1987) Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919
    • Painter, N.I.1
  • 5
    • 0003867609 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For an overview of the era, see Nell Irvin Painter, Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919 (New York, 1987). For the emergence of corporate capitalism and its influence on American culture and society, see Robert H. Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920 (New York, 1967) and Alan Trachtenberg, The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society of the Gilded Age (New York, 1982). For the role of the corporation in American society, see Olivier Zunz, Making America Corporate, 1870-1920 (Chicago, 1990).
    • (1967) The Search for Order, 1877-1920
    • Wiebe, R.H.1
  • 6
    • 0004003443 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For an overview of the era, see Nell Irvin Painter, Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919 (New York, 1987). For the emergence of corporate capitalism and its influence on American culture and society, see Robert H. Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920 (New York, 1967) and Alan Trachtenberg, The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society of the Gilded Age (New York, 1982). For the role of the corporation in American society, see Olivier Zunz, Making America Corporate, 1870-1920 (Chicago, 1990).
    • (1982) The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society of the Gilded Age
    • Trachtenberg, A.1
  • 7
    • 0003589626 scopus 로고
    • Chicago
    • For an overview of the era, see Nell Irvin Painter, Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919 (New York, 1987). For the emergence of corporate capitalism and its influence on American culture and society, see Robert H. Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920 (New York, 1967) and Alan Trachtenberg, The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society of the Gilded Age (New York, 1982). For the role of the corporation in American society, see Olivier Zunz, Making America Corporate, 1870-1920 (Chicago, 1990).
    • (1990) Making America Corporate, 1870-1920
    • Zunz, O.1
  • 8
    • 0038863964 scopus 로고
    • Westport, Conn.
    • Carl Abbott, Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West (Westport, Conn., 1981), provides the most thorough introduction to nineteenth-century boosterism. See also Lewis Atherton, Main Street on the Middle Border (Bloomington, Ind., 1954), 65-108, 250-251; Daniel Boorstin, The Americans: The National Experience ( New York, 1965), 113-168; William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West (New York, 1991), 31-54; Don Harrison Doyle, The Social Order of a Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Illinois, 1825-1870 (Urbana, Ill., 1983); and Sally Foreman Griffith, Hometown News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette (New York, 1989).
    • (1981) Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum middle West
    • Abbott, C.1
  • 9
    • 0007288405 scopus 로고
    • Bloomington, Ind.
    • Carl Abbott, Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West (Westport, Conn., 1981), provides the most thorough introduction to nineteenth-century boosterism. See also Lewis Atherton, Main Street on the Middle Border (Bloomington, Ind., 1954), 65-108, 250-251; Daniel Boorstin, The Americans: The National Experience ( New York, 1965), 113-168; William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West (New York, 1991), 31-54; Don Harrison Doyle, The Social Order of a Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Illinois, 1825-1870 (Urbana, Ill., 1983); and Sally Foreman Griffith, Hometown News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette (New York, 1989).
    • (1954) Main Street on the middle Border , pp. 65-108
    • Atherton, L.1
  • 10
    • 0004081151 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • Carl Abbott, Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West (Westport, Conn., 1981), provides the most thorough introduction to nineteenth-century boosterism. See also Lewis Atherton, Main Street on the Middle Border (Bloomington, Ind., 1954), 65-108, 250-251; Daniel Boorstin, The Americans: The National Experience ( New York, 1965), 113-168; William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West (New York, 1991), 31-54; Don Harrison Doyle, The Social Order of a Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Illinois, 1825-1870 (Urbana, Ill., 1983); and Sally Foreman Griffith, Hometown News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette (New York, 1989).
    • (1965) The Americans: The National Experience , pp. 113-168
    • Boorstin, D.1
  • 11
    • 85040899632 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • Carl Abbott, Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West (Westport, Conn., 1981), provides the most thorough introduction to nineteenth-century boosterism. See also Lewis Atherton, Main Street on the Middle Border (Bloomington, Ind., 1954), 65-108, 250-251; Daniel Boorstin, The Americans: The National Experience ( New York, 1965), 113-168; William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West (New York, 1991), 31-54; Don Harrison Doyle, The Social Order of a Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Illinois, 1825-1870 (Urbana, Ill., 1983); and Sally Foreman Griffith, Hometown News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette (New York, 1989).
    • (1991) Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West , pp. 31-54
    • Cronon, W.1
  • 12
    • 0003746391 scopus 로고
    • Urbana, Ill.
    • Carl Abbott, Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West (Westport, Conn., 1981), provides the most thorough introduction to nineteenth-century boosterism. See also Lewis Atherton, Main Street on the Middle Border (Bloomington, Ind., 1954), 65-108, 250-251; Daniel Boorstin, The Americans: The National Experience ( New York, 1965), 113-168; William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West (New York, 1991), 31-54; Don Harrison Doyle, The Social Order of a Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Illinois, 1825-1870 (Urbana, Ill., 1983); and Sally Foreman Griffith, Hometown News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette (New York, 1989).
    • (1983) The Social Order of a Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Illinois, 1825-1870
    • Doyle, D.H.1
  • 13
    • 0013491083 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • Carl Abbott, Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West (Westport, Conn., 1981), provides the most thorough introduction to nineteenth-century boosterism. See also Lewis Atherton, Main Street on the Middle Border (Bloomington, Ind., 1954), 65-108, 250-251; Daniel Boorstin, The Americans: The National Experience ( New York, 1965), 113-168; William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West (New York, 1991), 31-54; Don Harrison Doyle, The Social Order of a Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Illinois, 1825-1870 (Urbana, Ill., 1983); and Sally Foreman Griffith, Hometown News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette (New York, 1989).
    • (1989) Hometown News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette
    • Griffith, S.F.1
  • 15
    • 0004017360 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For a discussion of the shift from a producer-oriented society grounded in the Protestant ethos to a consumer-oriented society focused on the therapeutic ethos, see T. J. Jackson Lears, No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture, 1880-1920 (New York, 1981); and Lears, "From Salvation to Self Realization: Advertising and the Therapeutic Roots of the Consumer Culture, 1880-1930," in Richard Wightman Fox and T. J. Jackson Lears, eds., The Culture of Consumption: Critical Essays in American History, 1880-1980 (New York, 1983), 3-38.
    • (1981) No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture, 1880-1920
    • Lears, T.J.J.1
  • 16
    • 0002830186 scopus 로고
    • From Salvation to Self Realization: Advertising and the Therapeutic Roots of the Consumer Culture, 1880-1930
    • Richard Wightman Fox and T. J. Jackson Lears, eds., New York
    • For a discussion of the shift from a producer-oriented society grounded in the Protestant ethos to a consumer-oriented society focused on the therapeutic ethos, see T. J. Jackson Lears, No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture, 1880-1920 (New York, 1981); and Lears, "From Salvation to Self Realization: Advertising and the Therapeutic Roots of the Consumer Culture, 1880-1930," in Richard Wightman Fox and T. J. Jackson Lears, eds., The Culture of Consumption: Critical Essays in American History, 1880-1980 (New York, 1983), 3-38.
    • (1983) The Culture of Consumption: Critical Essays in American History, 1880-1980 , pp. 3-38
    • Lears1
  • 17
    • 0039558887 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Liberal Tradition Revisited and the Republican Tradition Addressed
    • John Higham and Paul Conkin, eds., Baltimore
    • Dorothy Ross, "The Liberal Tradition Revisited and the Republican Tradition Addressed," in John Higham and Paul Conkin, eds., New Directions in American Intellectual History (Baltimore, 1977), 121. For further discussion of the role of republican theory in American history, see J. G. A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (Princeton, N.J., 1975).
    • (1977) New Directions in American Intellectual History , pp. 121
    • Ross, D.1
  • 18
    • 84959908358 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, N.J.
    • Dorothy Ross, "The Liberal Tradition Revisited and the Republican Tradition Addressed," in John Higham and Paul Conkin, eds., New Directions in American Intellectual History (Baltimore, 1977), 121. For further discussion of the role of republican theory in American history, see J. G. A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (Princeton, N.J., 1975).
    • (1975) The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition
    • Pocock, J.G.A.1
  • 21
    • 85033859209 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Miscellany and Clippings, Fisher Sanford Harris Papers, Special Collections Department, Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, N.C. Obituaries and clippings show some discrepancies in the dates of Harris's migration west and his subsequent migration to Salt Lake City.
  • 22
    • 5644293731 scopus 로고
    • Nov.
    • Speech Supporting Democrats, n.d., quotation is on pp. 6-7, Speeches, Harris Papers. For background, see obituaries copied from the Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Herald Republican, Nov. 1909, Miscellany and Clippings, ibid. This material indicates that Harris was not a Mormon, but, rather, was one of a number of Gentiles who shared the concerns of Populism and Free Silver and joined the Democratic party. There has been relatively little scholarly work done on early twentieth-century Utah. See Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry, "Toward a Twentieth-Century Synthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho," Pacific Historical Review, L (1981), 475-489. For an overview of Utah politics, see Frank H. Jonas, "Utah: The Different State," in Frank H. Jonas, ed., Politics in the American West (Salt Lake City, 1969), 327-380. For an overview of the political and economic concerns of this period, see Thomas G. Alexander, "Political Patterns of Early Statehood, 1896-1919," and "Integration into the National Economy, 1896-1920," in Richard D. Poll, ed., Utah's History (Provo, 1978), 409-428 and 429-446. For a closer look at Salt Lake City, see Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, 1984).
    • (1909) Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Herald Republican
  • 23
    • 84968171468 scopus 로고
    • Toward a Twentieth-Century Synthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho
    • Speech Supporting Democrats, n.d., quotation is on pp. 6-7, Speeches, Harris Papers. For background, see obituaries copied from the Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Herald Republican, Nov. 1909, Miscellany and Clippings, ibid. This material indicates that Harris was not a Mormon, but, rather, was one of a number of Gentiles who shared the concerns of Populism and Free Silver and joined the Democratic party. There has been relatively little scholarly work done on early twentieth-century Utah. See Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry, "Toward a Twentieth-Century Synthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho," Pacific Historical Review, L (1981), 475-489. For an overview of Utah politics, see Frank H. Jonas, "Utah: The Different State," in Frank H. Jonas, ed., Politics in the American West (Salt Lake City, 1969), 327-380. For an overview of the political and economic concerns of this period, see Thomas G. Alexander, "Political Patterns of Early Statehood, 1896-1919," and "Integration into the National Economy, 1896-1920," in Richard D. Poll, ed., Utah's History (Provo, 1978), 409-428 and 429-446. For a closer look at Salt Lake City, see Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, 1984).
    • (1981) Pacific Historical Review , vol.50 , pp. 475-489
    • Alexander, T.G.1    Embry, J.L.2
  • 24
    • 5644261856 scopus 로고
    • Utah: The Different State
    • Frank H. Jonas, ed., Salt Lake City
    • Speech Supporting Democrats, n.d., quotation is on pp. 6-7, Speeches, Harris Papers. For background, see obituaries copied from the Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Herald Republican, Nov. 1909, Miscellany and Clippings, ibid. This material indicates that Harris was not a Mormon, but, rather, was one of a number of Gentiles who shared the concerns of Populism and Free Silver and joined the Democratic party. There has been relatively little scholarly work done on early twentieth-century Utah. See Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry, "Toward a Twentieth-Century Synthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho," Pacific Historical Review, L (1981), 475-489. For an overview of Utah politics, see Frank H. Jonas, "Utah: The Different State," in Frank H. Jonas, ed., Politics in the American West (Salt Lake City, 1969), 327-380. For an overview of the political and economic concerns of this period, see Thomas G. Alexander, "Political Patterns of Early Statehood, 1896-1919," and "Integration into the National Economy, 1896-1920," in Richard D. Poll, ed., Utah's History (Provo, 1978), 409-428 and 429-446. For a closer look at Salt Lake City, see Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, 1984).
    • (1969) Politics in the American West , pp. 327-380
    • Jonas, F.H.1
  • 25
    • 85033843603 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Speech Supporting Democrats, n.d., quotation is on pp. 6-7, Speeches, Harris Papers. For background, see obituaries copied from the Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Herald Republican, Nov. 1909, Miscellany and Clippings, ibid. This material indicates that Harris was not a Mormon, but, rather, was one of a number of Gentiles who shared the concerns of Populism and Free Silver and joined the Democratic party. There has been relatively little scholarly work done on early twentieth-century Utah. See Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry, "Toward a Twentieth-Century Synthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho," Pacific Historical Review, L (1981), 475-489. For an overview of Utah politics, see Frank H. Jonas, "Utah: The Different State," in Frank H. Jonas, ed., Politics in the American West (Salt Lake City, 1969), 327-380. For an overview of the political and economic concerns of this period, see Thomas G. Alexander, "Political Patterns of Early Statehood, 1896-1919," and "Integration into the National Economy, 1896-1920," in Richard D. Poll, ed., Utah's History (Provo, 1978), 409-428 and 429-446. For a closer look at Salt Lake City, see Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, 1984).
    • Political Patterns of Early Statehood, 1896-1919
    • Alexander, T.G.1
  • 26
    • 5644223804 scopus 로고
    • Integration into the National Economy, 1896-1920
    • Provo
    • Speech Supporting Democrats, n.d., quotation is on pp. 6-7, Speeches, Harris Papers. For background, see obituaries copied from the Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Herald Republican, Nov. 1909, Miscellany and Clippings, ibid. This material indicates that Harris was not a Mormon, but, rather, was one of a number of Gentiles who shared the concerns of Populism and Free Silver and joined the Democratic party. There has been relatively little scholarly work done on early twentieth-century Utah. See Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry, "Toward a Twentieth-Century Synthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho," Pacific Historical Review, L (1981), 475-489. For an overview of Utah politics, see Frank H. Jonas, "Utah: The Different State," in Frank H. Jonas, ed., Politics in the American West (Salt Lake City, 1969), 327-380. For an overview of the political and economic concerns of this period, see Thomas G. Alexander, "Political Patterns of Early Statehood, 1896-1919," and "Integration into the National Economy, 1896-1920," in Richard D. Poll, ed., Utah's History (Provo, 1978), 409-428 and 429-446. For a closer look at Salt Lake City, see Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, 1984).
    • (1978) Utah's History , pp. 409-428
    • Poll, R.D.1
  • 27
    • 5644280580 scopus 로고
    • Boulder
    • Speech Supporting Democrats, n.d., quotation is on pp. 6-7, Speeches, Harris Papers. For background, see obituaries copied from the Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Herald Republican, Nov. 1909, Miscellany and Clippings, ibid. This material indicates that Harris was not a Mormon, but, rather, was one of a number of Gentiles who shared the concerns of Populism and Free Silver and joined the Democratic party. There has been relatively little scholarly work done on early twentieth-century Utah. See Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry, "Toward a Twentieth-Century Synthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho," Pacific Historical Review, L (1981), 475-489. For an overview of Utah politics, see Frank H. Jonas, "Utah: The Different State," in Frank H. Jonas, ed., Politics in the American West (Salt Lake City, 1969), 327-380. For an overview of the political and economic concerns of this period, see Thomas G. Alexander, "Political Patterns of Early Statehood, 1896-1919," and "Integration into the National Economy, 1896-1920," in Richard D. Poll, ed., Utah's History (Provo, 1978), 409-428 and 429-446. For a closer look at Salt Lake City, see Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, 1984).
    • (1984) Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City
    • Alexander, T.G.1    Allen, J.B.2
  • 28
    • 85033851422 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers
    • Clipping, Colliers, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers.
    • Colliers
    • Clipping1
  • 29
    • 85033853244 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • C. F. Carter to Salt Lake City Commercial Club, Oct. 19, 1905, Scrapbook III, ibid
    • C. F. Carter to Salt Lake City Commercial Club, Oct. 19, 1905, Scrapbook III, ibid.
  • 30
    • 84903661533 scopus 로고
    • Oct 22, Scrapbook III, ibid
    • Clipping, Salt Lake Herald, Oct 22, 1905, Scrapbook III, ibid.
    • (1905) Salt Lake Herald
    • Clipping1
  • 32
    • 85033847308 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the early touring agencies and guidebooks, see ibid., 183, 301, 331-332; and Earl Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 13-30. For the Denver and Rio Grande's publicity campaigns, see Richard G. Athearn, Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway (New Haven, 1960), 187. On railroad promotion, see Carlos A. Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, 1993); Schwantes, "Landscapes of Opportunity: Phases of Railroad Promotion of the Pacific Northwest," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, XLIII (1993), 38-51; and Schwantes, "Tourists in Wonderland: Early Railroad Tourism in the Pacific North-west," Columbia, VII (1993/1994), 22-30.
    • American Progress: The Growth of Transport, Tourist, and Information Industries in the Nineteenth-Century West , pp. 183
  • 33
    • 0003608774 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Lincoln, Neb.
    • For the early touring agencies and guidebooks, see ibid., 183, 301, 331-332; and Earl Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 13-30. For the Denver and Rio Grande's publicity campaigns, see Richard G. Athearn, Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway (New Haven, 1960), 187. On railroad promotion, see Carlos A. Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, 1993); Schwantes, "Landscapes of Opportunity: Phases of Railroad Promotion of the Pacific Northwest," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, XLIII (1993), 38-51; and Schwantes, "Tourists in Wonderland: Early Railroad Tourism in the Pacific North-west," Columbia, VII (1993/1994), 22-30.
    • (1990) Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America , pp. 13-30
    • Pomeroy, E.1
  • 34
    • 5644287927 scopus 로고
    • New Haven
    • For the early touring agencies and guidebooks, see ibid., 183, 301, 331-332; and Earl Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 13-30. For the Denver and Rio Grande's publicity campaigns, see Richard G. Athearn, Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway (New Haven, 1960), 187. On railroad promotion, see Carlos A. Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, 1993); Schwantes, "Landscapes of Opportunity: Phases of Railroad Promotion of the Pacific Northwest," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, XLIII (1993), 38-51; and Schwantes, "Tourists in Wonderland: Early Railroad Tourism in the Pacific North-west," Columbia, VII (1993/1994), 22-30.
    • (1960) Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway , pp. 187
    • Athearn, R.G.1
  • 35
    • 0038700890 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Seattle
    • For the early touring agencies and guidebooks, see ibid., 183, 301, 331-332; and Earl Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 13-30. For the Denver and Rio Grande's publicity campaigns, see Richard G. Athearn, Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway (New Haven, 1960), 187. On railroad promotion, see Carlos A. Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, 1993); Schwantes, "Landscapes of Opportunity: Phases of Railroad Promotion of the Pacific Northwest," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, XLIII (1993), 38-51; and Schwantes, "Tourists in Wonderland: Early Railroad Tourism in the Pacific North-west," Columbia, VII (1993/1994), 22-30.
    • (1993) Railroad Signatures Across the Pacific Northwest
    • Schwantes, C.A.1
  • 36
    • 5644283917 scopus 로고
    • Landscapes of Opportunity: Phases of Railroad Promotion of the Pacific Northwest
    • For the early touring agencies and guidebooks, see ibid., 183, 301, 331-332; and Earl Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 13-30. For the Denver and Rio Grande's publicity campaigns, see Richard G. Athearn, Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway (New Haven, 1960), 187. On railroad promotion, see Carlos A. Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, 1993); Schwantes, "Landscapes of Opportunity: Phases of Railroad Promotion of the Pacific Northwest," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, XLIII (1993), 38-51; and Schwantes, "Tourists in Wonderland: Early Railroad Tourism in the Pacific North-west," Columbia, VII (1993/1994), 22-30.
    • (1993) Montana, the Magazine of Western History , vol.43 , pp. 38-51
    • Schwantes1
  • 37
    • 5644296491 scopus 로고
    • Tourists in Wonderland: Early Railroad Tourism in the Pacific North-west
    • For the early touring agencies and guidebooks, see ibid., 183, 301, 331-332; and Earl Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 13-30. For the Denver and Rio Grande's publicity campaigns, see Richard G. Athearn, Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway (New Haven, 1960), 187. On railroad promotion, see Carlos A. Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, 1993); Schwantes, "Landscapes of Opportunity: Phases of Railroad Promotion of the Pacific Northwest," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, XLIII (1993), 38-51; and Schwantes, "Tourists in Wonderland: Early Railroad Tourism in the Pacific North-west," Columbia, VII (1993/1994), 22-30.
    • (1993) Columbia , vol.7 , pp. 22-30
    • Schwantes1
  • 39
    • 85033844635 scopus 로고
    • Lincoln
    • Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Rev., ed., Lincoln, 1990), 30-53; Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (3rd ed., New Haven, 1982), 67-83; Runte, National Parks, 11-32; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 31-72; Perry Miller, "The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature," Nature's Nation (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 197-207; David Lowenthal, "The Place of the Past in the American Landscape," in David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., Geographies of the Mind (New York, 1976), 89-117; and Joni Kinsey, Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West (Washington, D.C., 1992), 28.
    • (1990) Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes Rev., Ed. , pp. 30-53
    • Huth, H.1
  • 40
    • 0004266358 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New Haven
    • Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Rev., ed., Lincoln, 1990), 30-53; Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (3rd ed., New Haven, 1982), 67-83; Runte, National Parks, 11-32; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 31-72; Perry Miller, "The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature," Nature's Nation (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 197-207; David Lowenthal, "The Place of the Past in the American Landscape," in David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., Geographies of the Mind (New York, 1976), 89-117; and Joni Kinsey, Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West (Washington, D.C., 1992), 28.
    • (1982) Wilderness and the American Mind 3rd Ed. , pp. 67-83
    • Nash, R.1
  • 41
    • 0005767503 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Rev., ed., Lincoln, 1990), 30-53; Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (3rd ed., New Haven, 1982), 67-83; Runte, National Parks, 11-32; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 31-72; Perry Miller, "The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature," Nature's Nation (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 197-207; David Lowenthal, "The Place of the Past in the American Landscape," in David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., Geographies of the Mind (New York, 1976), 89-117; and Joni Kinsey, Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West (Washington, D.C., 1992), 28.
    • National Parks , pp. 11-32
    • Runte1
  • 42
    • 0003608774 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Rev., ed., Lincoln, 1990), 30-53; Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (3rd ed., New Haven, 1982), 67-83; Runte, National Parks, 11-32; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 31-72; Perry Miller, "The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature," Nature's Nation (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 197-207; David Lowenthal, "The Place of the Past in the American Landscape," in David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., Geographies of the Mind (New York, 1976), 89-117; and Joni Kinsey, Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West (Washington, D.C., 1992), 28.
    • Search of the Golden West , pp. 31-72
    • Pomeroy1
  • 43
    • 0002988498 scopus 로고
    • The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature
    • Cambridge, Mass.
    • Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Rev., ed., Lincoln, 1990), 30-53; Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (3rd ed., New Haven, 1982), 67-83; Runte, National Parks, 11-32; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 31-72; Perry Miller, "The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature," Nature's Nation (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 197-207; David Lowenthal, "The Place of the Past in the American Landscape," in David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., Geographies of the Mind (New York, 1976), 89-117; and Joni Kinsey, Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West (Washington, D.C., 1992), 28.
    • (1967) Nature's Nation , pp. 197-207
    • Miller, P.1
  • 44
    • 0001876695 scopus 로고
    • The Place of the Past in the American Landscape
    • David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., New York
    • Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Rev., ed., Lincoln, 1990), 30-53; Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (3rd ed., New Haven, 1982), 67-83; Runte, National Parks, 11-32; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 31-72; Perry Miller, "The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature," Nature's Nation (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 197-207; David Lowenthal, "The Place of the Past in the American Landscape," in David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., Geographies of the Mind (New York, 1976), 89-117; and Joni Kinsey, Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West (Washington, D.C., 1992), 28.
    • (1976) Geographies of the Mind , pp. 89-117
    • Lowenthal, D.1
  • 45
    • 0002912085 scopus 로고
    • Washington, D.C.
    • Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Rev., ed., Lincoln, 1990), 30-53; Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (3rd ed., New Haven, 1982), 67-83; Runte, National Parks, 11-32; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 31-72; Perry Miller, "The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature," Nature's Nation (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 197-207; David Lowenthal, "The Place of the Past in the American Landscape," in David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bow, eds., Geographies of the Mind (New York, 1976), 89-117; and Joni Kinsey, Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West (Washington, D.C., 1992), 28.
    • (1992) Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West , pp. 28
    • Kinsey, J.1
  • 46
    • 85033851098 scopus 로고
    • Oct. 18, Scrapbook III, Harris Papers
    • Clipping, Soft Lake Tribune, Oct. 18, 1905, Scrapbook III, Harris Papers.
    • (1905) Soft Lake Tribune
    • Clipping1
  • 47
    • 85033841685 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, n.d., Scrapbook III, ibid
    • Clipping, n.d., Scrapbook III, ibid.
  • 48
    • 85033861357 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • H. V. Andrews to president of the Salt Lake City Commercial Club, Oct. 11, 1905; C. F. Carter to Salt Lake City Commercial Club, Oct. 19,1905, ibid.
  • 49
    • 84903662703 scopus 로고
    • Oct. 24, 25, and Nov. 15
    • Clippings, Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 24, 25, and Nov. 15, 1905; Salt Lake City Commercial Club to Whomever, Oct. 24, 1905, all in ibid.
    • (1905) Salt Lake Telegram
    • Clippings1
  • 50
    • 5644301622 scopus 로고
    • Nov. 9
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • (1905) Salt Lake News
    • Clipping1
  • 51
    • 5644302895 scopus 로고
    • Nov. 17
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • (1905) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 52
    • 5644258956 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Utah
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Ogden Standard
  • 53
    • 85033847480 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Little Rock Daily Democrat
  • 54
    • 85033838350 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Oregon
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Baker City Democrat
  • 55
    • 85033866994 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Boise Statesman
  • 56
    • 85033843347 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Oregon
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Astoria Budget
  • 57
    • 84899306097 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Los Angeles Herald
  • 58
    • 85033845124 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Denver Herald
  • 59
    • 85033857897 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Oregon
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Eugene Journal
  • 60
    • 84903671382 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Salt Lake Herald
  • 61
    • 84881870917 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian;
    • Salt Lake Tribune
  • 62
    • 85033833617 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Seattle Post
  • 63
    • 85033843138 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Portland Telegram
  • 64
    • 85033860077 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Hanford Journal
  • 65
    • 85033867499 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New York
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Dunkirk Herald
  • 66
    • 85033857624 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • San Pedro Times
  • 67
    • 85033843801 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Wisconsin
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Oshkosh North Western
  • 68
    • 85033836874 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Riverside Press
  • 69
    • 84897337777 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • San Jose Mercury
  • 70
    • 85033861354 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Oregon
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Eugene Register
  • 71
    • 85033841077 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Oakland Industrial News
  • 72
    • 85033861826 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Riverside Enterprise
  • 73
    • 85033860828 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Colorado
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Idaho Springs News
  • 74
    • 85033841304 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Denver Record
  • 75
    • 84898088111 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Denver Post
  • 76
    • 85033836765 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Maryland American
  • 77
    • 85033846472 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Salt Lake News
  • 78
    • 84929392403 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Los Angeles News
  • 79
    • 85033844850 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Salt Lake Daily Reporter
  • 80
    • 85033857117 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Idaho
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Pocatello Tribune
  • 81
    • 85033866048 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Utah
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Logon Journal
  • 82
    • 85033842113 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Idaho
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Malad Advocate
  • 83
    • 85033866882 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Idaho
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Pierre City Miner
  • 84
    • 85033869887 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Washington
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado);
    • Wilson Creek Chief
  • 85
    • 85033847567 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Utah
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Goodbyes Weekly
  • 86
    • 85033869541 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Idaho
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News
  • 87
    • 84903495627 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Texas
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • El Paso Times
  • 88
    • 85033857079 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Colorado
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Leadville Herald Democrat
  • 89
    • 85033840247 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Los Angeles Financier
  • 90
    • 85033862858 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Oregon
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • La Grande Chronicle
  • 91
    • 85033859354 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Washington
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • St. John Journal
  • 92
    • 85033835561 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Washington
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Orient Journal
  • 93
    • 85033835336 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Arizona
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Florence Blade
  • 94
    • 85033858902 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Long Beach Press
  • 95
    • 85033857903 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Oregon
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • The Dalles Chronicle
  • 96
    • 85033840999 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Eureka Times
  • 97
    • 85033862893 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Eureka Standard
  • 98
    • 85033837689 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New Jersey
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Elizabeth Journal
  • 99
    • 85033849524 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Bakersfield Californian
  • 100
    • 84900676880 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Los Angeles Examiner
  • 101
    • 85033848507 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Missouri
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Bevier Appeal
  • 102
    • 85033833562 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Missouri
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Narceline Journal
  • 103
    • 85033856235 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Wyoming
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Rock Springs Miner
  • 104
    • 85033855724 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Idaho
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Long Valley Advocate
  • 105
    • 85033864119 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Wilmington Journal
  • 106
    • 85033837053 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Los Angeles Arrowhead
  • 107
    • 85033867677 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News
    • Santa Ana Blade
  • 108
    • 85033837278 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • California
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Anaheim Gazette
  • 109
    • 85033840044 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Chicago
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Lumberman
  • 110
    • 85033839382 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Idaho
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Blackfoot Republican
  • 111
    • 85033836640 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Idaho
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Burley Bulletin
  • 112
    • 0004176537 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Chicago
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Railway Age
  • 113
    • 85033832774 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Wyoming
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Rawlins Journal
  • 114
    • 85033850161 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Wyoming
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Laramie Boomerang
  • 115
    • 5644256277 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Utah
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Ogden Examiner
  • 116
    • 85033846775 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Blackwell News Oklahoma
  • 117
    • 85033860614 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Nevada
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Reno Journal
  • 118
    • 85033852354 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Montana
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Havre Plaindealer
  • 119
    • 85033839454 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Wyoming
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Laramie Republican
  • 120
    • 79953273049 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Los Angeles Times
  • 121
    • 84887736284 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Portland Oregonian
  • 122
    • 84887736284 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clipping, Salt Lake News, Nov. 9,1905. Letters of support for the idea were received from the Sacramento Valley Development Association, Colorado State Commercial Association, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Oregon Development League, Commercial Club of Omaha, Commercial Club of Albuquerque, California Promotion Committee, Little Rock Board of Trade, Pueblo Business Men's Organization, Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Kansas City, and the Denver Business Men's League. A clipping from the Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 17, 1905, listed additional associations, including the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Wichita Commercial Club, El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and Missoula Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the scrapbook includes clippings presenting the plan outlined in the letter from the Ogden Standard (Utah); Little Rock Daily Democrat, Baker City Democrat (Oregon); Boise Statesman; Astoria Budget (Oregon); Los Angeles Herald; Denver Herald; Eugene Journal (Oregon); Salt Lake Herald; Salt Lake Tribune; Seattle Post; Portland Telegram; Hanford Journal (California); Dunkirk Herald (New York); San Pedro Times (California); Oshkosh North Western (Wisconsin); Riverside Press (California); San Jose Mercury (California); Eugene Register (Oregon); Oakland Industrial News (California); Riverside Enterprise (California); Idaho Springs News (Colorado); Denver Record; Denver Post; Maryland American; Salt Lake News; Los Angeles News; Salt Lake Daily Reporter, Pocatello Tribune (Idaho); Logon Journal (Utah); Malad Advocate (Idaho); Pierre City Miner (Idaho); Wilson Creek Chief (Washington); Goodbyes Weekly (Utah); Salt Lake Inter-Mountain Catholic, Lewiston News (Idaho); El Paso Times (Texas); Leadville Herald Democrat (Colorado); Los Angeles Financier; La Grande Chronicle (Oregon); St. John Journal (Washington); Orient Journal (Washington); Florence Blade (Arizona); Long Beach Press (California); The Dalles Chronicle (Oregon); Eureka Times (California); Eureka Standard (California); Elizabeth Journal (New Jersey); Bakersfield Californian; Los Angeles Examiner; Bevier Appeal (Missouri); Narceline Journal (Missouri); Rock Springs Miner (Wyoming); Long Valley Advocate (Idaho); Wilmington Journal (California); Los Angeles Arrowhead; Santa Ana Blade (California); Anaheim Gazette (California); Lumberman (Chicago); Blackfoot Republican (Idaho); Burley Bulletin (Idaho); Railway Age (Chicago); Rawlins Journal (Wyoming); Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming); Ogden Examiner (Utah); Blackwell News (Oklahoma); Reno Journal (Nevada); Havre Plaindealer (Montana); Laramie Republican (Wyoming); Los Angeles Times; and Portland Oregonian, ibid.
    • Portland Oregonian
  • 123
    • 5644265510 scopus 로고
    • Dec. 2
    • Harper's Weekly, XLIX (Dec. 2, 1905), 1731.
    • (1905) Harper's Weekly , vol.49 , pp. 1731
  • 124
    • 5644270902 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • American Progress
    • Fifer1
  • 125
    • 0004326286 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1966) Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West
    • Goetzmann, W.H.1
  • 126
    • 0007252128 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1989) The West of the Imagination
    • Goetzmann, W.H.1    Goetzmann, W.N.2
  • 127
    • 84928843322 scopus 로고
    • Philadelphia
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1988) William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape
    • Hales, P.B.1
  • 128
    • 0008503047 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • Nature and the American , pp. 105-191
    • Huth1
  • 129
    • 0003761518 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1990) An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920
    • Hyde, A.F.1
  • 130
    • 0004266358 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • Wilderness and the American Mind , pp. 108-160
    • Nash1
  • 131
    • 0003608774 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • Search of the Golden West
    • Pomeroy1
  • 132
    • 0343749150 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1965) The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada , pp. 334-352
    • Pomeroy1
  • 133
    • 0005097176 scopus 로고
    • Flagstaff, Ariz.
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1984) Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks
    • Runte, A.1
  • 134
    • 5644249945 scopus 로고
    • Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising
    • Jan.
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1992) Journal of the West , vol.31 , pp. 43-48
    • Runte1
  • 135
    • 0005767503 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • National Parks
    • Runte1
  • 136
    • 0038700890 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • Railroad Signatures Across the Pacific Northwest
    • Schwantes1
  • 137
    • 5644242434 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York, 1990); Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 108-160; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 334-352; Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff, Ariz., 1984); Runte, "Promoting Wonderland: Western Railroads and the Evolution of National Park Advertising," Journal of the West, XXXI (Jan. 1992), 43-48; Runte, National Parks; Schwantes, Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest; John Sears, Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1989),122-181; William H. Truettner, ed., The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 (Washington, D.C., 1991), 237-343.
    • (1989) Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century , pp. 122-181
    • Sears, J.1
  • 138
    • 0011560619 scopus 로고
    • Washington, D.C.
    • For the promotion and development of scenic wonders in the West, see Fifer, American Progress; William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York, 1966); William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann, The West of the Imagination (New York, 1989); Peter B. Hales, William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape (Philadelphia, 1988); Huth, Nature and the American, 105-191; Anne Farrar Hyde, An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National
    • (1991) The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920 , pp. 237-343
    • Truettner, W.H.1
  • 140
    • 5644270902 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Fifer, American Progress, 291-306, examines the development of resort hotels in the West as well as the Thomas Cook and Raymond and Whitcomb touring packages. See also Hyde, An American Vision, 147-190, for a discussion of early western resort hotels, especially those in the national parks.
    • American Progress , pp. 291-306
    • Fifer1
  • 141
    • 0003761518 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Fifer, American Progress, 291-306, examines the development of resort hotels in the West as well as the Thomas Cook and Raymond and Whitcomb touring packages. See also Hyde, An American Vision, 147-190, for a discussion of early western resort hotels, especially those in the national parks.
    • An American Vision , pp. 147-190
    • Hyde1
  • 142
    • 0008503047 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Huth, Nature and the American, 148-164; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 51-52, 60-72; Hyde, An American Vision, 147-190; Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 141-160.
    • Nature and the American , pp. 148-164
    • Huth1
  • 143
    • 0003608774 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Huth, Nature and the American, 148-164; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 51-52, 60-72; Hyde, An American Vision, 147-190; Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 141-160.
    • Search of the Golden West , pp. 51-52
    • Pomeroy1
  • 144
    • 0003761518 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Huth, Nature and the American, 148-164; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 51-52, 60-72; Hyde, An American Vision, 147-190; Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 141-160.
    • An American Vision , pp. 147-190
    • Hyde1
  • 145
    • 0004266358 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Huth, Nature and the American, 148-164; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 51-52, 60-72; Hyde, An American Vision, 147-190; Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 141-160.
    • Wilderness and the American Mind , pp. 141-160
    • Nash1
  • 147
    • 5644240583 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Runte, Trains of Discovery, 24-26, 30-31, 40; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope, 351-352; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 7, 10.
    • Trains of Discovery , pp. 24-26
    • Runte1
  • 148
    • 0004283262 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Runte, Trains of Discovery, 24-26, 30-31, 40; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope, 351-352; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 7, 10.
    • The Pacific Slope , pp. 351-352
    • Pomeroy1
  • 149
    • 85033843314 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Runte, Trains of Discovery, 24-26, 30-31, 40; Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope, 351-352; Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West, 7, 10.
    • Search of the Golden West , vol.7 , pp. 10
    • Pomeroy1
  • 150
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • Jan. 26 and 28
    • Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 26 and 28, 1906.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 153
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • Jan. 18
    • Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 1906, includes a reprint of a letter sent to the press by James A. Metcalf. See also ibid., Jan. 15, 1906.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 154
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • Jan. 15
    • Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 1906, includes a reprint of a letter sent to the press by James A. Metcalf. See also ibid., Jan. 15, 1906.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 155
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • Jan. 18, 27, and 28
    • Ibid., Jan. 18, 27, and 28, 1906.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 156
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • Jan. 28
    • Despite the enthusiasm, there were mixed responses to the plan adopted at the conference. Some felt that the plan was too vague, while others believed that it would be impossible to convince strong-willed and wealthy Americans to travel in the West. Ibid. Jan. 28, 1906; New York Times, April 1, 1906; The Nation, LXXXII (Jan. 25, 1906), 58.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 157
    • 0346174464 scopus 로고
    • April 1
    • Despite the enthusiasm, there were mixed responses to the plan adopted at the conference. Some felt that the plan was too vague, while others believed that it would be impossible to convince strong-willed and wealthy Americans to travel in the West. Ibid. Jan. 28, 1906; New York Times, April 1, 1906; The Nation, LXXXII (Jan. 25, 1906), 58.
    • (1906) New York Times
  • 158
    • 85033870979 scopus 로고
    • Jan. 25
    • Despite the enthusiasm, there were mixed responses to the plan adopted at the conference. Some felt that the plan was too vague, while others believed that it would be impossible to convince strong-willed and wealthy Americans to travel in the West. Ibid. Jan. 28, 1906; New York Times, April 1, 1906; The Nation, LXXXII (Jan. 25, 1906), 58.
    • (1906) The Nation , vol.82 , pp. 58
  • 159
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • Feb. 8 and April 5
    • Salt Lake Tribune, Feb. 8 and April 5, 1906. Quotation is in ibid., April 5, 1906.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 160
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • April 5
    • Salt Lake Tribune, Feb. 8 and April 5, 1906. Quotation is in ibid., April 5, 1906.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 162
    • 5644268455 scopus 로고
    • 5 vols., Cambridge, Mass.
    • For a brief overview of Southern Pacific Railroad's Sunset magazine, see Frank Luther Mott, A History of American Magazines (5 vols., Cambridge, Mass., 1957), IV, 105; and Theodore Peterson, Magazines in the Twentieth Century (Urbana, Ill., 1956), 343-342.
    • (1957) A History of American Magazines , vol.4 , pp. 105
    • Mott, F.L.1
  • 163
    • 85033837838 scopus 로고
    • Urbana, Ill.
    • For a brief overview of Southern Pacific Railroad's Sunset magazine, see Frank Luther Mott, A History of American Magazines (5 vols., Cambridge, Mass., 1957), IV, 105; and Theodore Peterson, Magazines in the Twentieth Century (Urbana, Ill., 1956), 343-342.
    • (1956) Magazines in the Twentieth Century , pp. 343-1342
    • Peterson, T.1
  • 165
    • 85033870251 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Salt Lake City's urban weekly was originally called Truth. It began publication in 1903 and was edited by John W. Huges until January 1908. Parley P. Jensen took over as editor in March 1908, and in May 1908 the magazine's name was changed to Western Weekly. In December 1908, the magazine became the official organ of the See America First League and adopted a new name, Western Monthly, which reflected its new monthly format. Mott, A History of American Magazines, IV, 104.
    • A History of American Magazines , vol.4 , pp. 104
    • Mott1
  • 166
    • 5644281230 scopus 로고
    • Ballad of the Humiliation of the American Who Went Abroad
    • Jan.
    • See, for example, J. E. Defebaugh, "Ballad of the Humiliation of the American Who Went Abroad," Western Monthly, X (Jan. 1909), 11-12.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , vol.10 , pp. 11-12
    • Defebaugh, J.E.1
  • 167
    • 5644280579 scopus 로고
    • Europe vs. America
    • Dec.
    • Fisher Harris, "Europe vs. America," ibid., X (Dec. 1908), 10-15, quotations are on p. 11.
    • (1908) Western Monthly , vol.10 , pp. 10-15
    • Harris, F.1
  • 169
    • 5644260141 scopus 로고
    • America's Majestic Scenery
    • Feb.
    • Roland B. Grant, "America's Majestic Scenery," ibid., X (Feb. 1909), 9-18, quotations are on pp. 9-10 and 16.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , vol.10 , pp. 9-18
    • Grant, R.B.1
  • 170
    • 85033850168 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Untitled speech, quotations on pp. 5-10. See Correspondence, Speeches and Other Collected Writings, Harris Papers. This speech appears to have been delivered as a "long talk" to the Tuscarora Society, an organization that supported the Democratic party. The speech provides an overview of the society's mission and broadly promotes the ideals of the Democratic party without connection to any specific election or issue. It is the most comprehensive presentation of Harris's political ideals.
  • 171
    • 85033867628 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Speech, "Our Native States," 9, 11, Correspondence, Speeches and Other Writings, ibid.
    • Speech, "Our Native States," 9, 11, Correspondence, Speeches and Other Writings, ibid.
  • 172
    • 0039558887 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ross, "The Liberal Tradition Revisited and the Republican Tradition Addressed," 123. Although Ross located this crisis in the 1880s, Harris was most active in Utah politics during the 1890s, which suggests that at least for Harris and some of his fellow boosters in the West, republicanism still provided a meaningful political rhetoric, even though the political realities of the 1890s made republicanism seem obsolete.
    • The Liberal Tradition Revisited and the Republican Tradition Addressed , pp. 123
    • Ross1
  • 173
    • 5644266716 scopus 로고
    • Dec. Scrapbook III, Harris Papers
    • Clipping, Los Angeles Arrowhead, Dec. 1905, Scrapbook III, Harris Papers.
    • (1905) Los Angeles Arrowhead
    • Clipping1
  • 174
    • 5644242437 scopus 로고
    • What They Think: Opinions on the 'See America First' Movement
    • April
    • Harris, "What They Think: Opinions on the 'See America First' Movement," Western Monthly, X (April 1909), 14. For additional statements by Harris that reiterate these themes, see Harris, "Visit the Continents and Islands, But 'See America First,'" ibid., (July 1909), 11-17; Harris, "See America, But See Utah First," ibid. (Aug. 1909), 17-23; Harris, "American Scenery as an Asset," ibid. (Sept. 1909), 11-17; Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 26, 27, April 5, 1906; Tacoma, Washington, Daily Ledger, Feb. 23, 1906, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , vol.10 , pp. 14
    • Harris1
  • 175
    • 5644280578 scopus 로고
    • Visit the Continents and Islands, but 'See America First,'
    • July
    • Harris, "What They Think: Opinions on the 'See America First' Movement," Western Monthly, X (April 1909), 14. For additional statements by Harris that reiterate these themes, see Harris, "Visit the Continents and Islands, But 'See America First,'" ibid., (July 1909), 11-17; Harris, "See America, But See Utah First," ibid. (Aug. 1909), 17-23; Harris, "American Scenery as an Asset," ibid. (Sept. 1909), 11-17; Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 26, 27, April 5, 1906; Tacoma, Washington, Daily Ledger, Feb. 23, 1906, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , pp. 11-17
    • Harris1
  • 176
    • 5644286801 scopus 로고
    • See America, but See Utah First
    • Aug.
    • Harris, "What They Think: Opinions on the 'See America First' Movement," Western Monthly, X (April 1909), 14. For additional statements by Harris that reiterate these themes, see Harris, "Visit the Continents and Islands, But 'See America First,'" ibid., (July 1909), 11-17; Harris, "See America, But See Utah First," ibid. (Aug. 1909), 17-23; Harris, "American Scenery as an Asset," ibid. (Sept. 1909), 11-17; Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 26, 27, April 5, 1906; Tacoma, Washington, Daily Ledger, Feb. 23, 1906, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , pp. 17-23
    • Harris1
  • 177
    • 5644280578 scopus 로고
    • American Scenery as an Asset
    • Sept.
    • Harris, "What They Think: Opinions on the 'See America First' Movement," Western Monthly, X (April 1909), 14. For additional statements by Harris that reiterate these themes, see Harris, "Visit the Continents and Islands, But 'See America First,'" ibid., (July 1909), 11-17; Harris, "See America, But See Utah First," ibid. (Aug. 1909), 17-23; Harris, "American Scenery as an Asset," ibid. (Sept. 1909), 11-17; Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 26, 27, April 5, 1906; Tacoma, Washington, Daily Ledger, Feb. 23, 1906, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , pp. 11-17
    • Harris1
  • 178
    • 5644234405 scopus 로고
    • Jan. 18, 26, 27, April 5
    • Harris, "What They Think: Opinions on the 'See America First' Movement," Western Monthly, X (April 1909), 14. For additional statements by Harris that reiterate these themes, see Harris, "Visit the Continents and Islands, But 'See America First,'" ibid., (July 1909), 11-17; Harris, "See America, But See Utah First," ibid. (Aug. 1909), 17-23; Harris, "American Scenery as an Asset," ibid. (Sept. 1909), 11-17; Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 26, 27, April 5, 1906; Tacoma, Washington, Daily Ledger, Feb. 23, 1906, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers.
    • (1906) Salt Lake Tribune
  • 179
    • 85033838912 scopus 로고
    • Feb. 23, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers
    • Harris, "What They Think: Opinions on the 'See America First' Movement," Western Monthly, X (April 1909), 14. For additional statements by Harris that reiterate these themes, see Harris, "Visit the Continents and Islands, But 'See America First,'" ibid., (July 1909), 11-17; Harris, "See America, But See Utah First," ibid. (Aug. 1909), 17-23; Harris, "American Scenery as an Asset," ibid. (Sept. 1909), 11-17; Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 26, 27, April 5, 1906; Tacoma, Washington, Daily Ledger, Feb. 23, 1906, Miscellany and Clippings, Harris Papers.
    • (1906) Daily Ledger
  • 180
    • 0003944329 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment, 535-541; Henry Nash Smith, Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth (New York, 1957).
    • The Machiavellian Moment , pp. 535-541
    • Pocock1
  • 182
    • 5644303507 scopus 로고
    • What Are You Doing to Make the West Attractive
    • May
    • Harris, "What Are You Doing to Make the West Attractive," Western Monthly, X (May 1909), 9-10, quotation is on p. 10.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , vol.10 , pp. 9-10
    • Harris1
  • 183
    • 5644290059 scopus 로고
    • Are the People of the East Growing Effete
    • June
    • Harris, "Are the People of the East Growing Effete," ibid., X (June 1909), 8-12, quotation is on p. 8.
    • (1909) Western Monthly , vol.10 , pp. 8-12
    • Harris1
  • 186
    • 0003920650 scopus 로고
    • Lawrence, Kan.
    • For a discussion of the economic relationship between the West and the nation, see William G. Robbins, Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West (Lawrence, Kan., 1994). Historians disagree over whether the West was actually a "colonial economy." For those who argue that the West was not a colony of the northeastern industrial core, see Gene M. Gressley, "Colonialism: A Western Complaint," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, LIV (1963), 1-8; and Leonard J. Arrington and Thomas G. Alexander, A Dependent Commonwealth: Utah's Economy from Statehood to the Great Depression (Provo, 1974). For an alternative interpretation, see Timothy W. Luke, "Internal Colonialism in the American Mountain West: A Preliminary Study," Southwest Economy and Society, V (1981), 28-50. Regardless of whether the West was technically a colony of the Northeast, promoters of See America First described their relationship to the East in those terms.
    • (1994) Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West
    • Robbins, W.G.1
  • 187
    • 0039951278 scopus 로고
    • Colonialism: A Western Complaint
    • For a discussion of the economic relationship between the West and the nation, see William G. Robbins, Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West (Lawrence, Kan., 1994). Historians disagree over whether the West was actually a "colonial economy." For those who argue that the West was not a colony of the northeastern industrial core, see Gene M. Gressley, "Colonialism: A Western Complaint," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, LIV (1963), 1-8; and Leonard J. Arrington and Thomas G. Alexander, A Dependent Commonwealth: Utah's Economy from Statehood to the Great Depression (Provo, 1974). For an alternative interpretation, see Timothy W. Luke, "Internal Colonialism in the American Mountain West: A Preliminary Study," Southwest Economy and Society, V (1981), 28-50. Regardless of whether the West was technically a colony of the Northeast, promoters of See America First described their relationship to the East in those terms.
    • (1963) Pacific Northwest Quarterly , vol.54 , pp. 1-8
    • Gressley, G.M.1
  • 188
    • 5644252316 scopus 로고
    • Provo
    • For a discussion of the economic relationship between the West and the nation, see William G. Robbins, Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West (Lawrence, Kan., 1994). Historians disagree over whether the West was actually a "colonial economy." For those who argue that the West was not a colony of the northeastern industrial core, see Gene M. Gressley, "Colonialism: A Western Complaint," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, LIV (1963), 1-8; and Leonard J. Arrington and Thomas G. Alexander, A Dependent Commonwealth: Utah's Economy from Statehood to the Great Depression (Provo, 1974). For an alternative interpretation, see Timothy W. Luke, "Internal Colonialism in the American Mountain West: A Preliminary Study," Southwest Economy and Society, V (1981), 28-50. Regardless of whether the West was technically a colony of the Northeast, promoters of See America First described their relationship to the East in those terms.
    • (1974) A Dependent Commonwealth: Utah's Economy from Statehood to the Great Depression
    • Arrington, L.J.1    Alexander, T.G.2
  • 189
    • 5644274513 scopus 로고
    • Internal Colonialism in the American Mountain West: A Preliminary Study
    • For a discussion of the economic relationship between the West and the nation, see William G. Robbins, Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West (Lawrence, Kan., 1994). Historians disagree over whether the West was actually a "colonial economy." For those who argue that the West was not a colony of the northeastern industrial core, see Gene M. Gressley, "Colonialism: A Western Complaint," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, LIV (1963), 1-8; and Leonard J. Arrington and Thomas G. Alexander, A Dependent Commonwealth: Utah's Economy from Statehood to the Great Depression (Provo, 1974). For an alternative interpretation, see Timothy W. Luke, "Internal Colonialism in the American Mountain West: A Preliminary Study," Southwest Economy and Society, V (1981), 28-50. Regardless of whether the West was technically a colony of the Northeast, promoters of See America First described their relationship to the East in those terms.
    • (1981) Southwest Economy and Society , vol.5 , pp. 28-50
    • Luke, T.W.1

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