For a comprehensive review and synthesis of research in organizational behavior, see Marvin Dunnette's Handbook o f Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Rand-McNally 1976). Daniel Katz and Robert Kahn's seminal work on organizations as systems, The Social Psychology of Organizations (John Wiley & Sons 1966), has been revised, updated, and extended in their 1978 edition. See their new book for an extensive discussion of organizations as open systems and for a unique synthesis of the literature in terms of systems ideas.
For a broad analysis of organizational behavior, see David Nadler, J. Richard Hackman, and Edward E. Lawler's Managing Organizational Behavior (Little, Brown 1979) and see Charles Hofer and Daniel Schendel's Strategy Formulation: Analytical Concepts (West 1978) for a discussion of strategy.
For an extensive discussion of output and effectiveness, see Paul Goodman and Johannes Pennings's New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness (Jossey-Bass 1977) and Andrew Van de Ven and Diane Ferry's Organizational Assessment (Wiley Interscience 1980).
For more detail on organizational arrangements, see Jay R. Galbraith's Designing Complex Organizations (Addison Wesley 1973); on job design and motivation, see J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham's Work Redesign (Addison-Wesley 1979); and on informal organizations, see Michael Tushman's “A Political Approach to Organizations: A Review and Rationale” (Academy of Management Review, April 1977) and Jeffrey Pfeffer's new book, Power and Politics in Organizations (Pittman Press 1980).
Submodels corresponding to the various components of our congruence model would include: J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham's job design model; Victor Vroom and Edward Lawler's work on expectancy theory of motivation and decision making—see Vroom's Work and Motivation (Wiley 1964) and Lawler's Motivation in Work Organizations (Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1973); Jay R. Galbraith, Michael Tushman, and David Nadler's work on information processing models of organizational design; and George Litwin and Robert Stringer's work on organization climate—see Litwin and Stringer's Motivation and Organizational Climate (Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration 1968).
David Nadler's “An Integrative Theory of Organizational Change,” to appear in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science in 1981, uses the congruence model to think about the general problems of organizational change and dynamics. Several distinct levers for change are developed and discussed. Other pertinent books of interest include: Jay R. Galbraith's Organization Design (Addison-Wesley 1979), Jay R. Galbraith and Daniel A. Nathanson's Strategy Implementation: The Role of Structure and Process (West 1978), George C. Homans's The Human Group (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1950), Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W. Lorsch's Developing Organizations: Diagnosis and Action (Addison-Wesley 1969), Harold J. Leavitt's “Applied Organization Change in Industry” in J. G. March's (ed.) Handbook of Organizations (Rand-McNally 1965) Harry Levinson's Organizational Diagnosis (Harvard University Press 1972), Harry Levinson's Psychological Man [[Truncated]]