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Volumn 51, Issue 1, 1997, Pages 46-56

Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The making of elites and counter-elites

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EID: 0002940904     PISSN: 00263141     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: None     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (195)

References (37)
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    • This process of legitimation did not take place gradually; the military interventions of 1960, 1971 and 1980 interrupted this process. But after each military coup, a return to democracy took place, and the same political parties were re-established under different names but with the same leaders and organizations. In 1970, the Milli Nizam Partisi (National Order Party, NOP) was established by those who left the center-right Adalet Partisi (Justice Party). After being banned by the military coup in 1971, the NOP was re-established in 1972 as the Milli Selamet Partisi (National Salvation Party) which participated in two coalition governments from 1974-75. With the military coup of 1980, political parties were banned once again. This time, the Islamist party, which was legalized a second time in 1983, has continued to exist under the name of Refah Partisi (Welfare Party, RP). In the last municipal elections of 27 March 1994, the RP increased its share of the total votes to 19.09 percent, and in the last general elections of 25 December 1995, received 21.3 percent of the total national votes.
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    • Gilles Kepel and Yann Richard, eds., Paris: Seuil
    • Nilüfer Göle, "Engineers and the Emergence of a Technicist Identity," in Metin Heper, Ayse Öncü and Heinz Kramer, eds., Turkey and the West: Changing Political and Cultural Identities (London: I.E. Tauris, 1993); Nilüfer Göle, "Ingénieurs islamistes et étudiantes voilées en Turquie," (Islamist engineers and veiled women students in Turkey) in Gilles Kepel and Yann Richard, eds., Intellectuels et militants de l'Islam contemporain (Intellectuals and Militants of Contemporary Islam) (Paris: Seuil, 1990); Nilüfer Göle, "Entre le 'gauchisme' et l'islamisme': l'émergence de l'idéologie techniciste en Turquie," (Between Leftism and Islamism: the Emergence of a Technicist Ideology in Turkey) in Elisabeth Longuenesse, ed., Bâtisseurs et bureaucrates: Ingénieurs et société au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient (Builders and Bureaucrats: Engineers and Society in the Maghreb and the Middle East) (Lyon: Maison de l'Orient, 1990).
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    • Elisabeth Longuenesse, ed., Lyon: Maison de l'Orient
    • Nilüfer Göle, "Engineers and the Emergence of a Technicist Identity," in Metin Heper, Ayse Öncü and Heinz Kramer, eds., Turkey and the West: Changing Political and Cultural Identities (London: I.E. Tauris, 1993); Nilüfer Göle, "Ingénieurs islamistes et étudiantes voilées en Turquie," (Islamist engineers and veiled women students in Turkey) in Gilles Kepel and Yann Richard, eds., Intellectuels et militants de l'Islam contemporain (Intellectuals and Militants of Contemporary Islam) (Paris: Seuil, 1990); Nilüfer Göle, "Entre le 'gauchisme' et l'islamisme': l'émergence de l'idéologie techniciste en Turquie," (Between Leftism and Islamism: the Emergence of a Technicist Ideology in Turkey) in Elisabeth Longuenesse, ed., Bâtisseurs et bureaucrates: Ingénieurs et société au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient (Builders and Bureaucrats: Engineers and Society in the Maghreb and the Middle East) (Lyon: Maison de l'Orient, 1990).
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    • During the period from 1923-1950 (the single-party rule period), 50 percent of the deputies were civil servants and military officers and only 1 percent were engineers. During the period from 1960-80, the percentage of civil servants among the deputies fell to 18 percent, whereas that of engineers increased to 12 percent. See Cumhuriyet Donemi Turkiye Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia on the Republican Period in Turkey), fascicle 10 (1983), pp. 2671-81. After the 1987 general elections, 45 percent of the parliamentarians were engineers or architects. See Cumhuriyet (Istanbul), 2 December 1987.
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    • 2 December
    • During the period from 1923-1950 (the single-party rule period), 50 percent of the deputies were civil servants and military officers and only 1 percent were engineers. During the period from 1960-80, the percentage of civil servants among the deputies fell to 18 percent, whereas that of engineers increased to 12 percent. See Cumhuriyet Donemi Turkiye Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia on the Republican Period in Turkey), fascicle 10 (1983), pp. 2671-81. After the 1987 general elections, 45 percent of the parliamentarians were engineers or architects. See Cumhuriyet (Istanbul), 2 December 1987.
    • (1987) Cumhuriyet (Istanbul)
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    • Cambridge: The MIT Press
    • The role of engineers in politics is not confined to Turkey. Egypt, too, has a long tradition of professional training of engineers. Today in Egypt, the syndicate of engineers plays a very significant political role. See Clement Henry Moore, Images of Development, Egyptian Engineers in Search of Industry (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1980).
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    • Cerif Mardin, ed., Leiden, New York, Könl: E.J. Brill
    • Michael E. Meeker, "The Muslim Intellectual and His Audience: A New Configuration of Writer and Reader among Believers in the Republic of Turkey," in Cerif Mardin, ed., Cultural Transitions in the Middle East (Leiden, New York, Könl: E.J. Brill, 1994), pp. 153-88.
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    • On the question of women as a touchstone of modernization and Islamization, see Nilüfer Göle, Modern Mahrem: Medeniyet ve Ortünme (Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veil) (Istanbul: Metis, 1991). Nilüfer Göle, The Forbidden Modern, Islamist Veiling and Civilization in Turkey (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996).
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    • On the question of women as a touchstone of modernization and Islamization, see Nilüfer Göle, Modern Mahrem: Medeniyet ve Ortünme (Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veil) (Istanbul: Metis, 1991). Nilüfer Göle, The Forbidden Modern, Islamist Veiling and Civilization in Turkey (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996).
    • (1996) The Forbidden Modern, Islamist Veiling and Civilization in Turkey
    • Göle, N.1

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