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Volumn 47, Issue 1, 1993, Pages 56-81

Top-quark pair production near threshold

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EID: 0001900486     PISSN: 05562821     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.47.56     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (92)

References (64)
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    • The intricate role of the QCD and electroweak gauge invariance which necessitates a modification of this simple splitting picture for unstable top quarks will be discussed later in Sec. VII.
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    • The Hamiltonian (3.1) dictates the QCD interaction of t and t bar, which is defined to operate in the subspace of t and t bar. The electroweak interactions responsible for their decays are treated as a perturbation, which may be effectively included as the anti-Hermitian part of the Hamiltonian.
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    • The use of the Coulombic potential allows us to check our numerical program to calculate the imaginary part of the Green's function G ( x vec = 0 ;E) in Eq. (3.20) against the known analytic expression of Fadin and Khoze [5]. The dashed line in Fig. 4 for the constant toponium width ΓΘ= 2 Γt( mt2) agrees at 1% level with the analytic results, which tests the accuracy of our numerical program to solve the Schrödinger equation.
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    • Within the general relativistic formalism containing unstable particles, the unitarity relation is preserved only when the running of the particles' self-energies are properly taken into account in the propagators [23].
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    • The angular average of the spin factor F ( n ,n̄) in Eq. (4.18) makes ΓTHETA slightly larger than this naive estimate.
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    • J. Schwinger, Particles, Sources, and Fields (Addison-Wesley, New York, 1973), Vol. 2, Chap. 5-4.
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    • If we use the approximate expressions presented by the Particle Data Group [38], the values of Λ {MSbar} (nf) become Λ {MSbar} (5)= (0.068, 0.140, 0.253, 0.416) GeV and Λ {MSbar} (4)= (0.111, 0.212, 0.362, 0.565) GeV for αs( mZ) MS bar = (0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13), respectively. These values are about 6ndash 7 % larger than the values quoted in Table II.
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    • In order to obtain the perturbative potential where the second coefficient b1 also exhibits the decoupling of heavy quarks, we need to use the two-loop beta function in the momentum subtraction scheme [41], which can only be solved numerically. We used the MS bar_ coupling constant for convenience since the effect of the running of the coefficient b1 has been found to be negligibly small [42].
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    • More generally, the true ΓTHETA should vanish above the kinematical cutoff Λkin2= ( mt+ E / 2 )2- mW2, since neither t nor t bar can decay when p vec2> Λkin2. The argument here shows that ΓTHETA becomes negligible well below the kinematical cutoff Λkin.

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