For a general discussion of envy and its role in consumer-oriented economies, see “Some Social Uses of the Forbidden,” by Amelie O. Rorty, Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 58, 1971, and Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior, by Helmut Shoeck. For an example of the confusion between envy and jealousy, see “Jealousy on the Job,” by Frederick C. Miner, Personnel Journal, Vol. 69, 1990. Further elaboration is provided in “Envy and Jealousy: Semantic Problems and Experiential Distinctions,” by Richard H. Smith, Sung Hee Kim, and W. Gerrod Parrott, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 14, 1988, and “Distinguishing the Experiences of Envy and Jealousy,” by W. Gerrod Parrott and Richard H. Smith, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 64, 1993. For more on “nonmalicious” and “malicious” envy, see “The Emotional Experiences of Envy and Jealousy,” by W. [[Truncated]]
The connection between envy and self-absorption is developed further in Foster, as well as in “Envy and Jealousy,” by Peter Salovey and Alexander J. Rothman, The Psychology of Jealousy and Envy (cited above). For a general treatment of self-evaluation maintenance, see “Toward a Self-Evaluation Maintenance Model of Social Behavior,” by Abraham Tesser, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 21, 1988.
The discussion of institutional devices to reduce envy was inspired by both Foster and Rorty, as well as by Michael Maccoby's contemporaneous commentary on Foster's work. More on gainsharing programs and ESOPs is available in “Profit Sharing,” by Bert L. Metzger, in Lester R. Bittel and Jackson E. Ramsey (eds.), Handbook for Professional Managers (McGraw-Hill, 1985) and Employee Benefit Programs, by Robert M. McCafferty (PWS-Kent, 1992). The efforts of Semco S/A in obviating envy are detailed in “Managing Without Managers,” by Ricardo Semler, Harvard Business Review, May–June 1989. Also see “The Disorganization of Oticon,” by Polly LaBarre, Industry Week, July 10, 1994.
Personality correlates of envy are addressed further in “Reformulating the Preconditions of Resentment,” by Robert Folger, in John C. Masters and William P. Smith (eds.), Social Comparison, Social Justice, and Relative Deprivation (Erlhbum, 1987) and “A New Perspective on Equity Theory,” by Richard C. Huseman, John D. Hatfield, and Edward W. Miles, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 12, 1987. Various behavioral implications of envy are described in “Type A Coronary-Prone Behavior Pattern and Social Facilitation,” by John W. Gastorf, Jerry Suls, and Glenn S. Sanders, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 38, 1980. Finally, further insights into dealing with workplace envy can be found in “Job Envy,” by Linn Thomé, Sky, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1993.