The study of Banavar is one of the rare examples that considers the issue of boundary conditions. However, a literal interpretation of their equation at the upstream boundary (without the addition of a smoothing diffusive term) would lead to an unrealistic infinite gradient for the main streams at their source (Formula presented). This, however, was not the primary focus of their study
The study of Banavar is one of the rare examples that considers the issue of boundary conditions. However, a literal interpretation of their equation at the upstream boundary (without the addition of a smoothing diffusive term) would lead to an unrealistic infinite gradient for the main streams at their source (Formula presented). This, however, was not the primary focus of their study.
F. Métivier, Ph.D. thesis, Université Paris 7, 1996
F. Métivier, Ph.D. thesis, Université Paris 7, 1996.
W. Graf and M. Altinakar, Hydraulique Fluviale, Ecoulement Nonpermanent et Phénomènes de Transport (Eyrolles, Paris, 1996), p. 378
W. Graf and M. Altinakar, Hydraulique Fluviale, Ecoulement Nonpermanent et Phénomènes de Transport (Eyrolles, Paris, 1996), p. 378.
We shall speak indifferently of river, river system, river plain, or alluvial plain, keeping in mind that the assumptions we make and analyses we derive are only valid for large alluvial rivers
We shall speak indifferently of river, river system, river plain, or alluvial plain, keeping in mind that the assumptions we make and analyses we derive are only valid for large alluvial rivers.
V. T. Chow, Open-channel Hydraulics (McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1959)
V. T. Chow, Open-channel Hydraulics (McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1959).
Humphrey and Heller, in a numerical analysis of a similar problem, assume that (Formula presented) varies through time as the result of a kinematic wave propagation of the erosion products from the slopes to the river
Humphrey and Heller, in a numerical analysis of a similar problem, assume that (Formula presented) varies through time as the result of a kinematic wave propagation of the erosion products from the slopes to the river.